Free, Downloadable Sales Templates

Today’s top sales leaders use BetFiery to streamline their sales processes, coach with consistency, and save hours of valuable time with automations. Browse our ever-growing library of free sales templates to see how they do it, and start implementing proven formulas from brands you already know and trust.

Our sales scorecard templates, sales coaching templates, sales report templates, and sales contest templates aren’t samples, suggestions, or guidelines—they’re plug-and-play templates built for you to use right away. Learn the latest sales strategies, plans, and tactics used by modern sales experts. Download, copy, and customize any template based on your team’s specific goals.


Lined sheet of paper with a pencil

Sales Coaching Templates

Sales Scorecard Templates

Sales Contest Templates

Sales Report Templates

A successful sales plan requires laying out your strategy, tactics, budget, hiring plans, and more. Get started with one of our free, ready-to-use templates (compatible with Excel, Google Sheets, and Numbers. Here’s a basic framework to help you write a sales plan.

Write Your Mission Statement

Creating a mission statement helps sum up your sales plan into a succinct, memorable phrase.

Define Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

If your team is outbounding, this will be crucial for scaling performance. If your team is 100% inbound, your ICP will still help inform talk tracks, website language, marketing materials, and more.

Establish Your Quota and Revenue Targets

These goals will vary per team and per rep on a yearly, quarterly, and monthly basis. Download a sales report template to track your progress toward these KPIs all year long.

Calculate Your Activity and Objective Targets

Based on what your team needs to sell or close, use historical data and conversion rates to determine how many calls, emails, social connections, meetings, etc. it will take to achieve your desired results. Each of our scorecard templates includes a free KPI calculator to help you determine the appropriate benchmarks for your team. Track activities like calls, emails, and other touchpoints, as well as objectives like meetings set, all in one place. Get started with our free scorecard templates and customize them to your team’s specific needs and goals.

Build Out Your Team

Consider your current team structure and think about the potential hires you’ll need to make to hit your business goals. Include your proposal for each team member’s salary and bonus. Outline your coaching programs and performance improvement plans in a sales coaching template.

Optimize Your Tech Stack

Include the budget for all the tools you currently use and any you’d like to add. If you’re using our sales templates in your sales plan, you’re already off to a great start. If you want to aggregate and automate your coaching, reporting, competitions, and other parts of your sales process even more, consider adding BetFiery as one of your tools.

Market Forecast

Any conditions or things that you take into account when forecasting your year should be included here as well.

Closed Revenue Performance by Rep and Historical Performance

Use historical performance data and business results to understand the correlation between rep output and revenue gains. With that information, you’ll have a better grasp on where your performance gaps lie. You can spend more time coaching reps on specific areas of growth and build out a plan to help your team hit their goals.


When planning your upcoming year, quarter, or month, leverage our scorecard templates to create the perfect blueprint for your sales reps on how they can achieve their goals and targets. Launch a coaching program with various sales coaching templates created by the best sales sales coaches around, and experience the wide-reaching benefits of gamification with contest, competition, and spiff program templates. When reporting your results on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, our sales report templates help you present your numbers in an easily digestible way. Let’s dig into the details of what our different sales templates have to offer.

Sales Coaching Templates

Coaching isn’t effective unless it’s consistent. Our sales coaching templates help you develop regular, data-driven coaching programs for all different roles. With a standardized framework, you and your reps will feel prepared for each coaching session, resulting in more efficient and productive 1:1s.

Created by sales experts we know and trust, each coaching template includes two sections: one that outlines coaching questions, and another to calculate and measure KPIs. These two tabs enable you to document conversations, ensure you’re asking the right questions, and define rep success with real data.

Sales Scorecard Templates

Sales scorecard templates can be used to track rep activities and progress to goal. By breaking down activities and objectives into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, a scorecard template is one of the most effective tools you can use to empower your reps to hit their targets.

Start by using the built-in KPI calculator to set the right benchmarks for your team and define the metrics that matter most. You can then weight those metrics by importance—for example, calls might yield better results than emails for your SDRs, so you assign calls a higher weight. Our pre-set formulas will accurately calculate how many activities your reps need to complete in order to hit their targets, leaving no mystery around what it takes to achieve success.

Sales Report Templates

While spreadsheets can be difficult to synthesize, sales report templates are a visually engaging way to present performance data. You may want to use a sales report template to aggregate data for your leadership team, keep your SDRs motivated throughout the day with hourly updates, or inform your coaching sessions with the most relevant numbers.

We have sales report templates available for any reporting cadence—daily, weekly, or monthly. These reports give everyone on your team valuable visibility into performance. Leaderboards by team, progress-to-goal, calls per week, pipeline created, and meetings set are just some of the metrics you can broadcast in a sales report template. With the ability to customize any of the metrics in our sales report templates, you can create reports that will be most effective for your team.

Sales Contest, Competition, and Spiff Program Templates

Today’s sales managers spend way too much time building, running, and tracking competitions. Ambition’s automations decrease manager time spent on these tasks from 20 minutes per day to only 1 minute per day. If you’re not an BetFiery user, our contest and spiff program templates will still save you valuable time. Whether you’re looking for fresh sales competition ideas or just want to streamline your competition setup, our sales contest and spiff program templates provide an easy-to-use, customizable framework to make running competitions seamless and give you back time in your day.

All of our contest templates have been used by sales leaders to run successful competitions. Each one includes pre-set metrics, instructions, contest rules, and incentive ideas, but you can still tweak and customize the template to work best for your team.