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Drive Greater Productivity and More Pipeline

Sales reps are the backbone of your revenue organization—but if they don’t know what success looks like, your pipeline falls apart. Sales teams across industries use BetFiery to set clear expectations, coach reps on results-driving behaviors, and track activities and objectives. With Ambition, you can ensure your people know what good looks like and empower them to more efficiently find and deliver the most promising leads.

Top-Rated and Award-Winning for a Reason

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Establish a Culture of Coaching

Establish a Culture of Coaching

From initial onboarding to ongoing development, reps carry the greatest potential to impact your revenue organization. Supplement recurring 1:1 and group coaching with targeted cadences and programs designed to jump-start career growth, and you’ll build more pipeline, retain more top reps, and support your people on a holistic level.

Define and Measure Good Performance

When reps have a clear picture of success, they take ownership of their performance in powerful ways. Track activities like calls, contacts created, and talk time to ensure reps are putting forth effort, and measure qualitative metrics like call to connect rate or meetings set to SQL rate to ensure those efforts pays off.

Define and Measure Good Performance
Create Intrinsic Motivation

Create Intrinsic Motivation

When you balance accountability and encouragement, your reps will become more productive and drive more discretionary effort. BetFiery allows everyone to visualize performance in real time via leaderboards and Slack notifications—but the end result goes beyond visibility. It allows you to celebrate and recognize wins in real time, powering a team that feels more motivated and driven to achieve.

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Upskill the Next Generation
of Sales Reps

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Real customers, real results.

With Ambition, reps at Ryder can take ownership of their success and are no longer defined by comp.

Ryder Systems, Inc. specializes in customized supply chain management. Their unique portfolio of solutions includes warehousing, transportation logistics, e-commerce fulfillment, and last-mile delivery.

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Ramping new hires and empowering inside + outside sales reps with accountability and gamification tools.

PosiGen sells and installs solar power and energy efficiency solutions with a focus on giving low-to-moderate income communities affordable options to invest in their homes.

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